Seat Back Felt

About this product

The Seat Back Felt (#79977-06020) is a crucial body part in Toyota's Front Seat & Seat Track system. This component primarily acts as a cushioning and comfort element, providing a soft, warm, and comfortable feel to the seat back. It is designed to work in conjunction with other parts in the seat system, such as the seat frame and seat cover. Over time, the Seat Back Felt (#79977-06020) may wear out or degrade, leading to discomfort during rides. Further, it can lead to a loss of support, which may compromise the safety of the seat structure in an event of an accident. Therefore, it is vital to have it periodically replaced with genuine Toyota parts for optimal compatibility and quality. Genuine Toyota parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering an added layer of assurance. Finally, a well-maintained Seat Back Felt (#79977-06020) enhances the overall comfort, safety, and efficiency of the Front Seat & Seat Track system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 79977-06020

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