Fillister-Head Screw

About this product

The Fillister-Head Screw (#90118WA160), an integral part of Toyota's Body/Front Seat & Seat Track system, helps maintain the structural integrity of the seat and its stabilizing track. This screw, utilized primarily to secure the seat and its components, contributes to the overall safety and comfort of the vehicle occupants. As with all parts, the Fillister-Head Screw (#90118WA160) may wear out over time, potentially leading to reduced stability of the seat and track system. This may compromise both the comfort and safety of the vehicle. Therefore, using genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is highly recommended for compatibility and peace of mind. The role of this small but vital component, therefore, is to maintain the secure and efficient operation of the seat and track system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118WA160

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