Cleaner Hose Filter

About this product

The Cleaner Hose Filter (#867FA-26010), a valuable component of the Electrical Rear Washer and Electrical Windshield Washer systems, plays a crucial role in maintaining these systems' functionality. This filter sifts and removes debris, ensuring only clean fluid is delivered to the washer system. Its operation involves a mechanism that passes fluid through a series of fine mesh, trapping contaminants and preventing them from damaging the washer system. However, periodic replacement is vital as an old, clogged or non-functional Cleaner Hose Filter (#867FA-26010) can cause a buildup of debris, leading to potential breakdowns. Genuine Toyota Autoparts can assist in maintaining vehicle compatibility, with each part backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Finally, the Cleaner Hose Filter (#867FA-26010) contributes substantially to the efficiency and safety of the washer systems, facilitating clear visibility in different driving conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85376-26530
Part Number 867FA-26010

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