Fixer Bolt

About this product

The Fixer Bolt (#SU003-02479) is an essential Drive-Chassis component in the Steering Column & Shaft system of your Toyota vehicle. This part plays a vital role in securing the steering column to the chassis, assuring the stability and alignment of the steering system. Over time, the Fixer Bolt (#SU003-02479) may become worn or damaged and should be replaced to maintain optimal vehicle operation. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Fixer Bolt (#SU003-02479), are recommended to maintain the compatibility and performance of your Toyota. These parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Fixer Bolt (#SU003-02479) becomes old or damaged, it may lead to unstable steering or misalignment, which can drastically affect vehicle control. Replacing this part as needed contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's steering system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02479

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