Brake Flange #1

About this product

The Brake Flange #1 (#35676-60010), a crucial part of the Drive-Chassis Center Support & Planetary Sun Gear and Overdrive Gear systems, mainly operates to provide a secure platform for brake components in automatic transmission systems. This part is integral for smooth operation, bearing the brake assembly's weight and transferring the braking force into the wheel hub. Genuine Toyota parts are essential for vehicle compatibility and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As with other vehicle parts, the Brake Flange #1 (#35676-60010) needs periodic replacement. An aged, clogged, or broken Brake Flange #1 (#35676-60010) may lead to insufficient braking force transfer, posing risks to the vehicle's safety. Thus, maintaining it in good condition contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the system it belongs to. Related components dependent on the Brake Flange #1 (#35676-60010) include the brake disc, brake caliper, and wheel hub, which together create a reliable braking system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 35676-36010
Part Number 35676-60010

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