Rear Clutch Flange #3

About this product

The Rear Clutch Flange #3 (#35689-04010), a key component within the Brake No.3, 1st & Reverse Brake (Automatic Transmission) system, performs a vital role in your Toyota’s drive-chassis mechanism. This part is designed to facilitate the seamless transition between gears, enabling smooth vehicle operation. Due to the demanding nature of its function, the Rear Clutch Flange #3 (#35689-04010) is subject to wear over time. If not replaced periodically, it can become dysfunctional, leading to erratic gear shifts or even transmission failure. Genuine Rear Clutch Flange #3 (#35689-04010)s from Toyota are recommended for optimal compatibility and performance, and are supported by Toyota's parts warranty. In essence, a well-maintained Rear Clutch Flange #3 (#35689-04010) is indispensable for the efficiency and safety of your Toyota's transmission system, as it ensures that the vehicle transitions smoothly between gears.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35689-04010

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