Turbo Oil Pipe Flange

About this product

The Turbo Oil Pipe Flange (#15479-51010), a crucial Engine-Fuel part in the Cylinder Block system of a Toyota vehicle, primarily facilitates the smooth circulation of oil to the turbocharger. This auto part functions by providing a sealing surface, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of oil, vital for the cooling and lubrication of the turbocharger. Over time, this part can become clogged or worn out, compromising its function. A malfunctioning Turbo Oil Pipe Flange (#15479-51010) might lead to oil leakage, causing the turbocharger to overheat, potentially resulting in severe engine damage. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota auto parts is essential for maintaining compatibility and performance. Genuine parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, affirming their quality. In essence, a well-maintained Turbo Oil Pipe Flange (#15479-51010) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle by protecting the engine from potential damage and breakdown.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 15479-51010

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