Fork-Gear Shift #4

About this product

The Fork-Gear Shift #4 (#SU003-04603), a crucial part of Toyota's Drive-Chassis category, plays an essential role in the Gear Shift Fork & Lever Shaft system. This part is responsible for physically moving the gear sets in a manual transmission, ensuring smooth gear changing while in operation. The Fork-Gear Shift #4 (#SU003-04603) works in coordination with the shift lever and shaft, and if these parts become old, clogged, or non-functional, gear shifting becomes difficult and may lead to transmission damage. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is important for vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Finally, a well-functioning Fork-Gear Shift #4 (#SU003-04603) enhances both the efficiency and safety of your vehicle, as it helps maintain smooth gear transition and effective power transfer from the engine to the wheels.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04603

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