Shift Fork #1

About this product

The Shift Fork #1 (#33212-14010), a crucial Drive-Chassis auto part in the Gear Shift Fork #1 (#33212-14010) & Lever Shaft system of a manual transmission, primarily serves to engage or disengage the gears. As the gear change is initiated, the Shift Fork #1 (#33212-14010) moves the synchronizer rings towards the desired gear, enabling smooth shifting. However, over time, the Shift Fork #1 (#33212-14010) may wear out or become damaged and lose its ability to properly engage the gears. This can lead to difficult gear shifts and possible transmission damage. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is essential for maintaining vehicle compatibility and optimal transmission performance. By effectively enabling gear shifts, the Shift Fork #1 (#33212-14010) significantly contributes to the vehicle's overall drive efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33212-14010

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