Rear Door Window Frame Sub-Assembly Rear Lower Left Hand

About this product

The Rear Door Window Frame Sub-Assembly Rear Lower Left Hand (#67408-0C030) is an integral body part belonging to the Rear Door Panel & Glass system of your Toyota vehicle. This component is responsible for maintaining the structure and stability of the door window, ensuring it remains secure during vehicle operation. The window frame partners with the window glass and window regulator, creating a harmonious function that allows for smooth window adjustment. Over time, the Rear Door Window Frame Sub-Assembly Rear Lower Left Hand (#67408-0C030) may wear, corrode, or break, compromising the window's stability and potentially leading to damage or reduced safety. It's recommended to use genuine Toyota parts for replacement to maintain vehicle compatibility. Genuine Toyota parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Rear Door Window Frame Sub-Assembly Rear Lower Left Hand (#67408-0C030) significantly contributes to the safety and efficiency of your car by ensuring the window remains secure and operates properly, supporting a comfortable and safe driving environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67408-0C030

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