High Voltage Fuse

About this product

The High Voltage Fuse (#90982-11046), a critical auto part within the Battery & Battery Cable system, serves a fundamental role in safeguarding your Toyota's electrical parts. This authentic Toyota Autopart functions to break the circuit whenever there is an electrical surge, protecting the battery and other electrical components from damage. The High Voltage Fuse (#90982-11046), like any other part, wears down over time and thus, replacement is essential. An old or non-functional fuse may interrupt the electrical flow, potentially causing electrical part failures. Regular inspection and replacement of this fuse is crucial to avoid such issues. Authentic Toyota parts are designed to ensure perfect fit and compatibility with your vehicle. Toyota also backs all genuine parts with a warranty. In addition to this, the High Voltage Fuse (#90982-11046) contributes significantly to your vehicle's safety and efficiency, providing reliable protection for the electrical system against potential high-voltage damage.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90982-11046

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