Fuse Set

About this product

The Fuse Set (#82606-0R010), a crucial component within the Seat & Seat Track system, is integral to the smooth and efficient operation of your Toyota vehicle. As a safety mechanism, the Fuse Set (#82606-0R010) prevents electrical overloads by breaking the circuit if an overload occurs, thus preventing potential damage to the seat's electrical components. Over time, the Fuse Set (#82606-0R010) can age, become clogged, or even break. When this happens, the fuse may not be able to perform its function effectively, which can lead to electrical malfunctions in the seat and seat track system. Genuine Toyota components like the Fuse Set (#82606-0R010) offer the best compatibility with your Toyota vehicle. These genuine parts are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regularly replacing the Fuse Set (#82606-0R010) can maintain the smooth operation of the Seat & Seat Track system, thereby contributing to the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82606-0R010

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