Garnish Assembly Fd Lowerlh

About this product

The Garnish Assembly Fd Lowerlh (#SU003-08963) is a crucial body part within the Side Moulding system of a Toyota vehicle. This part plays a vital role in enhancing the vehicle's aesthetics while also protecting the car body from minor dings and scratches. Being a genuine Toyota part, it is designed with exact specifications for compatibility with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this garnish assembly might experience wear and tear due to exposure to the elements or physical damages. When old or damaged, it could compromise the car's appearance and body protection, making the replacement of this part crucial. Besides contributing to your vehicle's aesthetic appeal, the Garnish Assembly Fd Lowerlh (#SU003-08963) aids in safeguarding the vehicle body, optimizing the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08963
Color Number D4S

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