Back Door Garnish

The Back Door Garnish (#679390C040C0), a key component in the Body/Back Door Panel & Glass system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a primary role in enhancing the aesthetic appeal and maintaining the integrity of the vehicle's back door. It protects the door edges from damages, providing a finishing touch to the exterior design. Genuine Toyota parts like this ensure optimum compatibility, as they're specifically designed for your vehicle. Toyota's genuine parts warranty also backs these components. Just like any auto part, the Back Door Garnish (#679390C040C0) may require replacement over time. If damaged or worn-out, it could potentially compromise the aesthetic value and even the structural integrity of the door. By maintaining the garnish in good condition, the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle are upheld. Not replacing this part when it's due could leave the door exposed, leading to potential damage and costly repairs.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67939-0C040-C0
Color Name Black

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