Back Panel Garnish Upper

About this product

The Back Panel Garnish Upper (#64261-04040-B0), a crucial component in the Inside Trim Board system, serves a significant role in enhancing the aesthetic appeal and vehicle compatibility. As a genuine Toyota auto part, it is designed to seamlessly integrate with specific car models and is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This garnish harmonizes with other interior elements, contributing to the overall user experience. It's crucial to replace this part periodically as it can wear out or get damaged over time, thereby diminishing its visual appeal and potentially causing compatibility issues. In a system like Inside Trim Board where all parts work in unison, a fully functional Back Panel Garnish Upper (#64261-04040-B0) adds value to the overall efficiency and safety, while also maintaining the vehicle's original look and feel.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 64261-04040-B0
Color Name Gray

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