Deck Side Garnish Rear Left Hand

About this product

The Deck Side Garnish Rear Left Hand (#64754-16020-05), a key component in the Deck Board & Deck Trim Cover system, plays a fundamental role in the aesthetic and functional elements of Toyota's auto body design. This part contributes to the overall look of the vehicle while also protecting the underlying structure from environmental factors such as water and debris. Over time, this part can become worn and need replacing. A deteriorated Deck Side Garnish Rear Left Hand (#64754-16020-05) may cause the vehicle's appearance to degrade and potentially expose the underlying structure to damaging elements. Using genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility but also comes with the confidence of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, the Deck Side Garnish Rear Left Hand (#64754-16020-05) contributes to the vehicle's aesthetics and structural integrity, making it an essential part of the system it is installed in.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 64754-16020-05

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