Front Body Pillar Garnish Right Hand

About this product

The Front Body Pillar Garnish Right Hand (#62211-95502-03), a key component in the Inside Trim Board & Door Opening Trim Moulding system, plays a crucial role in enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your Toyota vehicle's interior. This garnish, through its design and alignment, effectively covers body pillars, providing a seamless look. With the passage of time and intensive usage, this garnish part can experience wear and tear. A damaged or worn-out Front Body Pillar Garnish Right Hand (#62211-95502-03) may not only depreciate the interior aesthetics but also potentially expose the pillars to damage. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended, not just for an uncompromised look, but also to maintain vehicle compatibility. Remember, genuine parts are always backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-maintained Front Body Pillar Garnish Right Hand (#62211-95502-03) thus greatly contributes to maintaining the overall interior integrity and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 62211-20050-03;62211-95501-03
Part Number 62211-95502-03

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