Instrument Cluster Fin Panel Garnish Ctr

About this product

The Instrument Cluster Fin Panel Garnish Ctr (#55475-47060), a critical Toyota Autoparts component, plays a significant role in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system. This body part primarily contributes to the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the vehicle. It provides a sleek finish to the instrument cluster and protects the underlying components from potential damage. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Instrument Cluster Fin Panel Garnish Ctr (#55475-47060), offer seamless vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like all vehicle parts, periodic replacement of the Instrument Cluster Fin Panel Garnish Ctr (#55475-47060) is crucial. As it ages, the garnish may crack or break, exposing the instrument cluster to potential damage. It also compromises the aesthetic appeal of the vehicle's interior. A flawless Instrument Cluster Fin Panel Garnish Ctr (#55475-47060) contributes to the overall aesthetic and functional efficiency of the car, enhancing driver experience and vehicle longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55475-47060

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