Removable Roof Garnish

About this product

The Removable Roof Garnish (#63637-17010-B0), a crucial body part in the Roof Panel & Back Window Glass system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a central role in enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal, while also offering a protective layer. It provides a finish to the roof and back window, shielding them from potential damage. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for better vehicle compatibility and are supplemented by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The importance of periodic replacement of the Removable Roof Garnish (#63637-17010-B0) cannot be overstated. Wear and tear, breakage, or non-functionality can lead to an exposed roof and back window, making them susceptible to damage, and compromising the vehicle's aesthetics. Finally, a well-maintained Removable Roof Garnish (#63637-17010-B0) contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of your vehicle, ensuring it remains visually appealing and structurally protected.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 63637-17010-B0
Color Name Black

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