Removable Roof Lock Garnish

About this product

The Removable Roof Lock Garnish (#63271-12010-03), a body part in the Roof Panel & Back Window Glass system, primarily provides a secure connection for the detachable roof panel. Functioning as a lock, it ensures that the roof panel remains securely attached, preventing undesirable detachments while the vehicle is in motion. The key components of this part include the garnish and the locking mechanism. Over time, mechanical wear and tear could potentially impair its functionality, which may lead to insecure roof attachment. This compromised state could expose the interior of the vehicle to environmental elements and increase the risk of detachment during transit. Opting for genuine parts, such as the Toyota Removable Roof Lock Garnish (#63271-12010-03), not only allows for perfect vehicle compatibility but also carries the benefit of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part undeniably contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle, upholding the integrity of the roof panel system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 63271-12010-03

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