
About this product

The Gasket (#16258-28040), a crucial part in the Drive-Chassis Oil Cooler & Tube (Automatic Transmission), Engine-Fuel Engine Oil Cooler, and Engine-Fuel Radiator & Water Outlet systems, primarily serves to seal the connection between two surfaces within the system. This sealing function prevents leaks, maintains pressure, and restricts contamination. The Gasket (#16258-28040) operates in synergy with other components to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the vehicle. It is critical to replace the Gasket (#16258-28040) at regular intervals as old or damaged gaskets can lead to leaks, pressure loss, or contamination, resulting in possible system failures. Opting for genuine Toyota parts aids in vehicle compatibility and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Finally, a well-functioning Gasket (#16258-28040) contributes to the overall performance and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 16258-28021;16258-28020
Part Number 16258-28040

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