
About this product

The Gasket (#90430-12022), a crucial part of the Engine-Fuel Cylinder Head and Engine-Fuel Manifold systems in Toyota vehicles, works to prevent leakage of fluids or gases. It creates a pressure-tight seam between different car parts, keeping engine oil, coolant, and combustion gases in their respective compartments, and preventing them from mixing. Genuine Toyota Gasket (#90430-12022)s are designed for excellent compatibility with your vehicle, significantly reducing the risk of leakage and damage. Over time, Gasket (#90430-12022)s can age, become clogged or break, which can lead to leaks and potential engine damage. Regular replacement is advised because a faulty Gasket (#90430-12022) can compromise the efficiency of your vehicle's engine, leading to decreased performance or even safety risks. Genuine Toyota Gasket (#90430-12022)s are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing peace of mind with every purchase. In conclusion, the Gasket (#90430-12022) is vital for maintaining the overall efficiency, performance, and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90430-12022

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