
About this product

The Gasket (#90430-16010), an essential part of Toyota's Switch, Relay & Computer system, serves a critical role in maintaining electrical conductivity. As an electrical component, the Gasket (#90430-16010) ensures the smooth transfer of electrical currents within the system. It essentially functions as a sealant, resolving any gaps in the system and preventing potential electrical leaks or shorts. Like all parts, over time, the Gasket (#90430-16010) can wear out or break, compromising its ability to effectively seal and transfer electricity. If any irregularities occur, it's crucial to replace it with a genuine Toyota Gasket (#90430-16010), allowing for optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering additional peace of mind. Remember, a well-functioning Gasket (#90430-16010) contributes to the system's overall efficiency and safety, ensuring your Toyota performs at its best.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90430-16010

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