Gasket Bstr

About this product

The Gasket Bstr (#SU003-04545), a Drive-Chassis part in the Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system, plays a vital role in maintaining the operational efficiency of the braking system. It acts as a seal, preventing air from leaking out of the brake booster, which is crucial for the booster to provide its power assistance function. Genuine Toyota Gasket Bstr (#SU003-04545) parts are recommended, as they are tailor-made for compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part may wear out or get damaged, reducing its sealing capability. This can result in a reduction in brake power assistance and potentially compromise the safety of the vehicle. In conclusion, the Gasket Bstr (#SU003-04545) is essential for maintaining the safety and effectiveness of your vehicle's braking system. Regular replacement is necessary to ensure unhampered performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04545

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