Cam Timing Oil Control Valve Housing Gasket

About this product

The Cam Timing Oil Control Valve Housing Gasket (#15338-22010), a key component in the Cylinder Head system, is crucial for maintaining optimal engine performance. It primarily regulates oil pressure, effectively controlling the camshaft positioning within the engine. A fully functional gasket contributes significantly to efficient fuel combustion, thus enhancing the vehicle's performance and fuel efficiency. Genuine Toyota parts like this gasket ensure vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, over time, this gasket can become worn or clogged, which could disrupt oil pressure regulation, adversely affecting engine timing and potentially causing engine damage. Thus, periodic replacement is essential for maintaining optimal engine performance. In summary, this part plays a vital role in the engine's overall efficiency and safety by ensuring accurate camshaft positioning and optimal fuel combustion.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 15338-88600
Part Number 15338-22010

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