Exhaust Gas Regulation Pipe Gasket

About this product

The Exhaust Gas Regulation Pipe Gasket (#25634-51010), a pivotal part of Toyota's Engine-Fuel Cylinder Head and Exhaust Gas Recirculation Systems, serves an instrumental role in controlling the flow of exhaust gases. This gasket acts as a seal between the exhaust manifold and the cylinder head, preventing leakage and maintaining optimal engine performance. As the gasket ages, risks of leakage increase, which can lead to reduced engine efficiency, increased emissions, and potential damage. Regular replacement of this gasket, especially with genuine Toyota parts, which are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is vital as it ensures vehicle compatibility and maintains the overall integrity of the engine system. Incorporating a new gasket contributes significantly to the system's efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 25634-51010

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