Exhaust Pipe Gasket

About this product

The Exhaust Pipe Gasket (#17451-51010), a vital Engine-Fuel part in the Manifold system, plays a significant role in the smooth operation of your Toyota vehicle. As part of the exhaust system, the gasket helps seal the junction between the exhaust manifold and the engine, preventing harmful gases from escaping into the environment or the vehicle. Over time, due to the extreme heat and pressure it endures, the gasket can wear out, get clogged or even break. This can lead to a noisy exhaust, poor engine performance or harmful emissions. It is therefore crucial to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota parts for the best compatibility and performance. Genuine Toyota parts also come with our genuine parts warranty, adding another layer of protection. By ensuring a proper seal in your exhaust system, the Exhaust Pipe Gasket (#17451-51010) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17451-51010

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