Extension Housing Gasket

About this product

The Extension Housing Gasket (#33142-60020), a genuine Toyota auto part, plays a crucial role in the Drive-Chassis Clutch Housing & Transmission Case (Manual Transmission) system as well as the Drive-Chassis Transfer Case & Extension Housing system. Its primary function is to seal the space between the extension housing and the transmission case, preventing fluid leaks while the system is in operation. The efficiency of this component directly influences the performance and safety of the vehicle's transmission. When this gasket becomes worn or damaged, it can lead to fluid leakage, which can cause the transmission to overheat. This could lead to costly repairs or even transmission failure. Since all genuine Toyota parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, replacing this crucial component with a genuine part not only assures compatibility with your Toyota vehicle but also gives peace of mind. Regular replacement of the Extension Housing Gasket (#33142-60020) contributes to the overall longevity of your vehicle's transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33142-60020

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