Gasket Fuel Pump C

About this product

The Gasket Fuel Pump C (#SU003-04158), a crucial component within the Fuel Tank & Tube system of a vehicle, plays an indispensable role in maintaining the performance and safety of your Toyota. This component functions to seal the connection between the fuel pump and the fuel tank, preventing the leakage of fuel and ensuring uninterrupted fuel supply. As with any auto part, the Gasket Fuel Pump C (#SU003-04158) requires periodic replacement. An aged, congested, or broken gasket can cause fuel leakage, which not only leads to inefficient fuel consumption but also poses potential safety risks. Investing in genuine Toyota parts enhances vehicle compatibility, allowing for optimal performance. Plus, these genuine parts come with the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Gasket Fuel Pump C (#SU003-04158), therefore, contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle by ensuring a secure and leak-free fuel system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04158

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