Gasket Fuel Pump

About this product

The Gasket Fuel Pump (#SU003-09610), an essential body part in Toyota's Fuel Tank & Tube system, plays a vital role in maintaining the pump's integrity. This small, yet significant component forms a tight seal between the fuel pump and the fuel tank, preventing potential leaks. Its function is critical as it ensures an efficient flow of fuel within the system. As with any automotive part, the Gasket Fuel Pump (#SU003-09610) requires periodic replacement. Over time, it may become worn, leading to fuel leakage. Such leakage may cause decreased fuel efficiency, increased emissions, or even a potential fire hazard. Therefore, timely replacement is essential for the safe operation of the vehicle. Choosing genuine Toyota parts enhances vehicle compatibility and longevity. They are designed specifically for your Toyota and come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Furthermore, the Gasket Fuel Pump (#SU003-09610) actively contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's fuel system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09610

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