Gasket Kit

About this product

The Gasket Kit (#04445-35040), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Steering Column & Shaft system, maintains the seal preventing any unwanted fluid or gas leakage. This component forms a tight seal between two surfaces, such as the engine block and the cylinder head. It functions efficiently when genuine parts are used, improving vehicle compatibility. Moreover, Toyota backs these genuine parts with a warranty. Periodic replacement of the gasket kit is crucial. As they age, gasket kits can corrode or become brittle, leading to leaks which can cause significant damage to the vehicle's engine or other components. The Gasket Kit (#04445-35040) contributes significantly to the vehicle's overall efficiency, preventing leaks that could jeopardize safety. Its optimal function allows for safe and smooth rides, showcasing the importance of regular maintenance and use of genuine parts.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 04445-35040

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