Control Overhaul Gasket Kit

About this product

The Control Overhaul Gasket Kit (#04455-12090), a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Front Steering Gear & Link system, plays a vital role in maintaining the sealing and operation of the steering system. As the vehicle maneuvers, this kit acts as a sealant, preventing leaks and ensuring smooth functionality of the steering system. Over time, however, the gaskets in the kit can degrade and lose their sealing properties. A worn out gasket can lead to fluid leaks, compromised steering, and potential vehicle damage. Therefore, periodic replacement of this kit is necessary. Toyota strongly recommends using genuine parts for optimal vehicle compatibility. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, these kits are designed for longevity and precision. By maintaining the integrity of the steering system, the Control Overhaul Gasket Kit (#04455-12090) enhances both the efficiency and safety of a vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 04455-12090

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