Differential Carrier Gasket Kit

The Differential Carrier Gasket Kit (#044120C040), a crucial component in the Drive-Chassis/Rear Axle Housing & Differential system of your Toyota vehicle, serves a vital role in ensuring the smooth running of your car. This kit seals the differential carrier and prevents oil leaks, thereby maintaining the operational integrity of the differential system. Over time, however, this gasket can wear down or become damaged, leading to oil leaks that can cause significant damage to the differential and potentially compromise your vehicle's performance. Using genuine Toyota parts, like the Differential Carrier Gasket Kit (#044120C040), guarantees compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's reliable parts warranty. Therefore, regular replacement of this part is critical to prevent unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle's differential system. A well-maintained Differential Carrier Gasket Kit (#044120C040) contributes significantly to the overall performance, efficiency, and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 04412-0C040

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