Power Gasket Kit

About this product

The Power Gasket Kit (#04445-60030), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Front Steering Gear & Link system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of the system. Its main function is to provide a secure seal, preventing leaks of lubricants or fluids that could cause components to wear prematurely. Genuine Toyota parts like this ensure compatibility with your vehicle and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, however, the Power Gasket Kit (#04445-60030) can become old, clogged or broken, compromising its effectiveness. Without its seal, fluids could leak, causing the steering gear and link system to function poorly, potentially compromising vehicle safety. By periodically replacing this part, you maintain the optimal functionality of the Front Steering Gear & Link system, contributing significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 04445-60030

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