Oil Pan Gasket

About this product

The Toyota Oil Pan Gasket (#12151-51020), a fundamental part of the Cylinder Block system, plays a vital role in maintaining the efficiency of your vehicle's engine. This Engine-Fuel component forms a seal between the bottom of the engine and the oil pan, preventing oil leakage while the engine is operating. Genuine Toyota parts like the Oil Pan Gasket (#12151-51020) are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part can wear out, break or become clogged, leading to oil leaks, reduced engine performance, and potential engine damage. Regular replacement of the Oil Pan Gasket (#12151-51020) is crucial to avoid these issues. In conclusion, the Oil Pan Gasket (#12151-51020) is instrumental in ensuring the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's engine system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 12151-51020

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