Overdrive Brake Gasket

About this product

The Overdrive Brake Gasket (#35179-32010), a Drive-Chassis part in the Transmission Case & Oil Pan (Atm) system, plays a crucial role in maintaining the efficient operation of your vehicle. This component helps to seal the gap between two surfaces in the transmission system. Its primary function is to prevent oil leaks, thus ensuring smooth and optimal transmission performance. Genuine Toyota Overdrive Brake Gasket (#35179-32010)s are specifically designed for compatibility with your Toyota model and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part may wear out, which could lead to oil leakage and reduced efficiency in the transmission system. If this happens, it may affect the overall running condition of the vehicle, leading to possible mechanical breakdowns. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically replace this part to maintain the vehicle's performance and safety. In conclusion, the Overdrive Brake Gasket (#35179-32010) contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle by preventing oil leakages, thereby ensuring smooth transmission operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 35179-06010
Part Number 35179-32010

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