Rear Housing Gasket

About this product

The Rear Housing Gasket (#90118WB832), a crucial component in the Engine-Fuel/Cylinder Head system of a Toyota vehicle, serves an essential role in maintaining engine performance. Acting as a seal between the engine block and cylinder head, the Rear Housing Gasket (#90118WB832) prevents any leakage of engine fluids into the cylinders. This part, like most engine components, is subject to wear and tear over time, and thus needs periodic replacement. If left unchecked, an old or broken Rear Housing Gasket (#90118WB832) can lead to engine fluid leakage, causing decreased vehicle performance or even engine damage. Using Toyota genuine parts, which are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, can alleviate these risks, as they offer optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Overall, a functioning Rear Housing Gasket (#90118WB832) is vital for maintaining the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118-WB832

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