Valve Rocker Cover Bolt Gasket Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Valve Rocker Cover Bolt Gasket Sub-Assembly (#90210-08010) is a critical component within the Engine-Fuel part category of the Cylinder Head system in a Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to maintain a tight seal between the rocker cover and the cylinder head, preventing oil leaks and maintaining optimal engine performance. Like any other engine component, this gasket sub-assembly wears out over time and requires replacement. Failure to replace a worn gasket can lead to oil leaks, decreased fuel efficiency, and possible engine damage. When it's time for a replacement, it is highly recommended to use genuine Toyota parts to maintain vehicle compatibility. Genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing an additional level of assurance of their quality and durability. The Valve Rocker Cover Bolt Gasket Sub-Assembly (#90210-08010) is a vital part of the overall efficiency and safety of the Cylinder Head system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90210-08010

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