Transfer Case Gasket Front

About this product

The Transfer Case Gasket Front (#36143-35030), a crucial Drive-Chassis part within the Transfer Case & Extension Housing system, plays a vital role in preventing fluid leakage. It acts as a seal between the two halves of the transfer case, maintaining the integrity of the system. Genuine Toyota parts like this one ensure compatibility and longevity, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this gasket may become damaged or worn, leading to potential leaks. If not replaced, this can result in a reduction in the transfer case's efficiency, causing wear and tear on the internal components. By protecting the internal components from outside contaminants and maintaining fluid pressure, the transfer case gasket increases the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle's drive-train system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 36143-35020
Part Number 36143-35030

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