Transmission Oil Pan Gasket

About this product

The Transmission Oil Pan Gasket (#35168-74010), a vital Drive-Chassis part in the Transaxle Assy(Cvt) system, is integral for maintaining the overall health of your Toyota vehicle. This auto part's primary function is to create a tight seal between the transmission oil pan and the transmission housing, preventing leakage of transmission fluid. When in operation, the gasket endures high temperatures and pressures. Over time, it can wear out and fail, resulting in leakages that can lead to transmission problems, including shifting issues and overheating. Therefore, periodic replacement of the gasket is necessary. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Transmission Oil Pan Gasket (#35168-74010), offer excellent vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a properly functioning Transmission Oil Pan Gasket (#35168-74010) is crucial as it assures optimal vehicle performance, contributes to the system’s efficiency, and ensures the safe operation of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35168-74010

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