Turbo To Exhaust Manifold Gasket

About this product

The Turbo To Exhaust Manifold Gasket (#17278-51040), a crucial Engine-Fuel part, plays a pivotal role in sealing the connection between the turbocharger and the exhaust manifold in the Manifold system. This component ensures a leak-free connection, allowing optimal exhaust gas flow to the turbocharger. Over time, this gasket can deteriorate or become damaged, leading to exhaust leaks and a reduction in turbocharger efficiency. Therefore, periodic replacement is highly recommended to maintain peak performance. Genuine Toyota Autoparts ensures compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's trustworthy parts warranty. When functioning correctly, this gasket significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the vehicle, maintaining the performance of the turbocharger and reducing exhaust emissions. A properly sealed turbo to exhaust manifold connection is also critical to safety, as it prevents the leakage of harmful exhaust gases.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17278-51040

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