Water Seal Plate Gasket

About this product

The Water Seal Plate Gasket (#11493-71011), a critical component in the Toyota Engine-Fuel system, plays a primary role within the Cylinder Head system. This part acts as a key barrier between the coolant and the engine, preventing any leakage of coolant into the engine parts. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Water Seal Plate Gasket (#11493-71011), offer a precise fit for vehicle compatibility. Over time, this component may wear out, potentially causing coolant leaks that can lead to engine overheating and damage. Thus, periodic replacement is essential to maintain optimal performance and prevent costly repairs. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs all genuine parts, including the Water Seal Plate Gasket (#11493-71011), for added assurance. This gasket significantly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, preventing engine damage and maintaining optimal engine temperature.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11493-71010
Part Number 11493-71011

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