Ctr Differential Planetary Gear Assembly

About this product

The Ctr Differential Planetary Gear Assembly (#41310-35061) is a crucial component in the Transfer Gear system of Toyota's Drive-Chassis category. This auto part is vital for distributing torque evenly to the vehicle's wheels, enabling smooth and efficient operation. The assembly consists of a set of gears that rotate around a central, or 'sun' gear, with this intricate layout allowing different wheel speeds when cornering. The necessity for periodic replacement of this assembly is vital, as wear and tear can lead to imbalances in torque distribution. This could potentially lead to drivetrain damage or hamper vehicle performance. Importantly, using genuine Toyota parts ensures optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, all genuine parts come backed by Toyota's comprehensive parts warranty. Finally, a well-maintained Ctr Differential Planetary Gear Assembly (#41310-35061) significantly contributes to the overall system's efficiency and safety, ensuring your ride is smooth and reliable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 41310-35060
Part Number 41310-35061

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