Planetary Gear Assembly

About this product

The Planetary Gear Assembly (#35720-12071), a critical Drive-Chassis part within the Transaxle Assy(Cvt) system, plays a crucial role in adjusting the speed and torque of Toyota vehicles. The assembly consists of a central sun gear, planet gears revolving around it, and an outer ring gear, all working together to offer various gear ratios, allowing for smooth acceleration. The efficiency and safety of your vehicle heavily depend on this gear assembly, which necessitates its periodic replacement. An old, damaged, or non-functional Planetary Gear Assembly (#35720-12071) can impact the vehicle's speed control, jeopardizing your safety. Therefore, always opt for Toyota's genuine parts for perfect compatibility and rest assured as they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Related parts that might need attention alongside this assembly include the sun gear, planet gears, and ring gear.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35720-12071

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