Transfer Low Planetary Gear Assembly

About this product

The Transfer Low Planetary Gear Assembly (#36270-0C020), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Transfer Gear system, plays a vital role in maintaining the optimal performance of your Toyota vehicle. This assembly works to regulate the delivery of torque between the vehicle's front and rear axles, thus optimizing traction and enhancing stability. Unsurprisingly, this assembly is subject to wear and tear over time. Old or malfunctioning assemblies may result in uneven power distribution, leading to potential driving hazards. Therefore, to maintain your vehicle's safety, it is highly recommended that this assembly be replaced periodically with Toyota's genuine parts which boast supreme compatibility with your vehicle. Finally, Toyota supports the reliability of their genuine parts with their robust parts warranty, providing customers with peace of mind. The regular replacement of the Transfer Low Planetary Gear Assembly (#36270-0C020), therefore, not only maximizes your vehicle's performance but also its safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36270-0C020

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