Differential Ring Gear

About this product

The Differential Ring Gear (#41221-47020), an essential Drive-Chassis part in the Transaxle Assy(Hv Or Ev Or Fcv) system, plays a crucial role in transferring power from the drivetrain to the vehicle's wheels. As the system's operation commences, the ring gear interacts with the pinion, translating the rotational motion into the wheels' linear motion. However, due to the continual wear and tear, the gear may eventually degrade, leading to a decrease in the vehicle's overall performance and safety. A heavily worn or broken ring gear can potentially result in imprecise power transmission, causing erratic vehicle movements. Hence, a timely replacement with a genuine Toyota part is advised. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Differential Ring Gear (#41221-47020), are not only perfect fit for your vehicle but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The correct functioning of this part significantly contributes to the vehicle's efficiency and safety, making it a crucial component in the overall system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 41221-47020

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