Speedometer Gear Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Speedometer Gear Sub-Assembly (#33403-19385), a critical part of both the Drive-Chassis Speedometer Driven Gear systems in automatic and manual transmissions, accurately translates the vehicle's speed from the transmission. It works by rotating in sync with the transmission output shaft, which then drives the speedometer cable, providing a precise speed reading. Genuine Toyota parts like this ensure vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. It's necessary to replace this part periodically. As it ages, the gear teeth may wear down or it may break, leading to inaccurate speed readings or total failure. This could pose serious safety risks and impact the efficiency of your vehicle. In summary, the Speedometer Gear Sub-Assembly (#33403-19385) is vital for safe and efficient vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33403-19385

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