4th Gear Set

About this product

The 4th Gear Set (#33025-33010), a critical component of the Transmission Gear (Mtm) system in Toyota vehicles, plays a primary role in the vehicle's drive-chassis operation. This gear set manages speed and torque in your vehicle during high-speed driving, contributing to a smoother and safer ride. Genuine parts like the 4th Gear Set (#33025-33010) are recommended for compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the 4th Gear Set (#33025-33010) may become worn or damaged, potentially affecting the transmission's operation. Ignoring the need for periodic replacement could lead to gear slippage or failure, adversely affecting the vehicle's performance and safety. By maintaining a well-functioning 4th Gear Set (#33025-33010), you're contributing to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota's transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33025-33010

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