Speedometer Drive Gear

About this product

The Speedometer Drive Gear (#33481-10080) is a crucial auto part in the Drive-Chassis Planetary Gear and Reverse Piston & Counter Gear systems for automatic transmissions, as well as the Drive-Chassis Transmission Gear system for manual transmissions. This gear plays a central role in transmitting the vehicle's speed to the speedometer, allowing drivers to monitor their speed accurately. Components working closely with the Speedometer Drive Gear (#33481-10080) include the speedometer cable and the speedometer itself. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for optimum vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, wear and tear can degrade the performance of the Speedometer Drive Gear (#33481-10080). A malfunctioning gear can lead to inaccurate speed readings, potentially compromising safety. Regular replacement of this gear is essential for maintaining accurate speed readings and overall vehicle safety. In conclusion, the Speedometer Drive Gear (#33481-10080) contributes significantly to a vehicle's operational safety by providing accurate speed information to the driver.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33481-10080

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