4th Driven Gear Sub-Assembly

About this product

The 4th Driven Gear Sub-Assembly (#33035-52090), part of the Drive-Chassis in the Transmission Gear system (Manual Transmission) of your Toyota vehicle, plays a vital role in the overall functioning of your car. This part primarily aids in the transmission of power from the engine to the wheels, employing a series of gears for an efficient transfer of energy. Genuine Toyota parts, like the 4th Driven Gear Sub-Assembly (#33035-52090), offer compatibility advantage and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. When this part becomes old or broken, the gear linkage can become sluggish, leading to a less responsive or even unresponsive vehicle. Therefore, periodic replacement is essential to maintain the optimal performance of your vehicle. By effectively transmitting engine power to the wheels, the 4th Driven Gear Sub-Assembly (#33035-52090) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33035-52090

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